Our Mission & Story
The YL Ranch is a welcoming and inclusive restorative guest ranch seeking to reestablish our connection to one another, community, nature, and the outdoors. The YL is a sanctuary for the weary, a retreat, and a place to be whole again, inspiring creatives and explorers.
In 2018, Jock and Kimberly opened the ranch gate to guests, reunions, retreats, camps, and other special events. In 2022, we welcomed the launch of the Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route and the many adventure motorcyclists from around the world!
In 2017, Jonathan Boyer and his wife, Kimberly Coats, returned to their ranch in Wyoming. The YL was Jock’s childhood home. They had spent the previous decade in Rwanda running the Rwandan National Cycling Team. Jock’s boyhood dream has always been to return to the ranch and share
Jock and Kimberly look forward to welcoming you with their own unique style of warm Wyoming hospitality. The YL is open
Enter the YL and experience all the joys of ranch life and outdoor adventure – cycling (road, mountain,
Inquire about the YL specialized events and retreats.
For booking questions contact Kimberly at info@boyerylranch.com